Source code for ocd.docker_mysql

# Observing condition decision tool: monitor conditions and plan HETDEX
# observations
# Copyright (C) 2017, 2018  "The HETDEX collaboration"
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
'''Subcommand to start, stop and manage a docker container running a mysql
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import argparse as ap
import sys
import time

import pymysql

import ocd.config as ocd_config
from ocd import shots_db
from ocd import utils

    import docker
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    docker = None

def common_parser():
    parser = ap.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)

    title = 'Override options in the [docker_mysql] section'
    overrides_dm = parser.add_argument_group(title=title)

    overrides_dm.add_argument('-c', '--container-name',
                              help='''Name of the docker container running the
                              mysql server''')

    return parser

[docs]def docker_subcommand(subparsers): '''Add a subcommand "docker_mysql" to handle the configuration file. Parameters ---------- subparsers : argparse subparsers object subparser to use to generate new parsers Returns ------- parser : :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` modified parser ''' description = '''OCD subcommand that manages a docker container used to run a mysql server useful for test OCD.''' if docker is None: description += ''' This command is available only if the docker package is installed. You can get it installing OCD as: ``pip install ocd[docker]``''' parser = subparsers.add_parser('docker_mysql', help='Run MySQL in a docker container', description=description) # If ``docker`` is not installed, create the command, but do nothing about # it if docker is not None: subsubparser = parser.add_subparsers(title='''Docker-mysql subcommands''', description="""Type '%(prog)s cmd -h' for detailed information about the subcommands""", dest='docker_subcmd') subsubparser.required = True subsubparser = docker_up_parser(subsubparser) subsubparser = docker_down_parser(subsubparser) subsubparser = docker_info_parser(subsubparser) return subparsers
[docs]def docker_up_parser(subsubparser): '''Add the ``docker_mysql up`` parser. Parameters ---------- subsubparsers : argparse subparsers object subparser to use to generate new parsers Returns ------- subsubparsers : argparse subparsers object modified subparser ''' up = subsubparser.add_parser('up', help='''Start the mysql docker container''', description='''Start the docker container, add the ``vl_obsnum`` table and load some test data''', parents=[common_parser(), ], formatter_class=ap.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) up.set_defaults(func=docker_up) up = utils.override_epilog_msg(up) up = ocd_config.config_file_argument(up) up.add_argument('-r', '--remove-on-error', action='store_true', help='''If something non expected happens when making contact with the database, remove the running container''') return subsubparser
[docs]def docker_down_parser(subsubparser): '''Add the ``docker_mysql up`` parser. Parameters ---------- subsubparsers : argparse subparsers object subparser to use to generate new parsers Returns ------- subsubparsers : argparse subparsers object modified subparser ''' down = subsubparser.add_parser('down', help='''Stop and remove the mysql docker container''', description='''Stop the docker container and remove it, together with the associated volume''', parents=[common_parser(), ]) down.set_defaults(func=docker_down) down = utils.override_epilog_msg(down) down = ocd_config.config_file_argument(down) down.add_argument('--no-volumes', action='store_false', help='''Do not remove the volume associated with the container. Use it with caution, to avoid filling your disk with temporary data''') return subsubparser
[docs]def docker_info_parser(subsubparser): '''Add the ``docker_mysql up`` parser. Parameters ---------- subsubparsers : argparse subparsers object subparser to use to generate new parsers Returns ------- subsubparsers : argparse subparsers object modified subparser ''' info = subsubparser.add_parser('info', help='''Get information about the docker image''', description='''Get the status of the docker container, its IP address and port''', parents=[common_parser(), ]) info.set_defaults(func=docker_info) info = utils.override_epilog_msg(info) info = ocd_config.config_file_argument(info) return subsubparser
[docs]def docker_up(args): '''Function implementing the ``ocd docker_mysql up`` command Parameters ---------- args : :class:`~argparse.Namespace` parsed command line arguments ''' # load the configuration file config = ocd_config.load_config(config_file=args.config, args=args) # start the docker container container = _docker_run(config) # print the infos about the database _print_container_info(container) # get the ip and port to use to contact it ip, port = container_ip_port(container) config['database']['mysql_host'] = ip config['database']['mysql_port'] = port is_connected = wait_for_connection(config) if not is_connected: msg = ('No connection could be established with the mysql server in' ' the container {c}. The table {t} could not be created and' ' filled.'.format(, t=shots_db.OBSNUM_TABLE_NAME)) if args.remove_on_error: _docker_stop_rm(, v=True) msg += (' The container has been removed') else: msg += (' You can use the ``ocd docker_mysql info`` to check' ' if it is a temporary problem and/or ``ocd docker_mysql' ' down`` to remove the container before trying to create' ' it') sys.exit(msg) else: sys.stdout.write('Create table {t} database {db}:' ' '.format(t=shots_db.OBSNUM_TABLE_NAME, db=config['database']['mysql_database'])) sys.stdout.flush() shots_db.create_obsnum_table(config) print('done') sys.stdout.write('Add a row to table {t}:' ' '.format(t=shots_db.OBSNUM_TABLE_NAME)) sys.stdout.flush() shots_db.fill_obsnum_table(config) print('done') print('The MySQL database is ready to be used with the rest of OCD.') print('Make sure that the "mysql_host" and "mysql_port" values of the' ' "[database]" configuration entries are set to the IP and port' ' printed above.')
[docs]def docker_down(args): '''Stop and remove the mysql docker container Parameters ---------- args : :class:`~argparse.Namespace` parsed command line arguments ''' # load the configuration file config = ocd_config.load_config(config_file=args.config, args=args) container_name = config['docker_mysql']['container_name'] # get the docker container, stop it and then remove it try: _docker_stop_rm(container_name, args.no_volumes) except docker.errors.NotFound as e: sys.exit(e.explanation + '\nNo container to remove.')
[docs]def docker_info(args): '''Stop and remove the mysql docker container Parameters ---------- args : :class:`~argparse.Namespace` parsed command line arguments ''' # load the configuration file config = ocd_config.load_config(config_file=args.config, args=args) container_name = config['docker_mysql']['container_name'] try: container = get_container(container_name) except docker.errors.NotFound as e: msg = e.explanation + '\n' msg += 'Run ``ocd docker_mysql up`` to start the container' sys.exit(msg) _print_container_info(container)
[docs]def container_ip_port(container): '''Get the IP of the container and the port that it exposes. They can be used to connect to the mysql server. .. note:: The port is 3306 Parameters ---------- container : :class:`docker.models.containers.Container` started container Returns ------- ip, port : string IP address allocated for the container and the exposed port ''' return container.attrs['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'], '3306'
[docs]def get_container(container_name): '''Get the container running the mysql server Parameters ---------- container_name : string name of the container to get Returns ------- :class:`docker.models.containers.Container` started container ''' client = docker.from_env(version='auto') return client.containers.get(container_name)
[docs]def wait_for_connection(conf, max_attempts=20, sleep=1): '''Wait until a connection with the mysql server can be made. Any exception of type :exc:`pymysql.err.OperationalError` with error code different from ``2003`` is re-raised Parameters ---------- conf : :class:`` configuration max_attempts : int, optional maximum number of attempts before giving up sleep : float, optional time to wait before attempting again the connection Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the connection happens, ``False`` otherwise ''' sys.stdout.write('Connect to the MySQL server') sys.stdout.flush() for i in range(max_attempts): try: # try to connect for 10 times, after that give up with shots_db.mysql_connection(conf): print(' Connected') return True except pymysql.err.OperationalError as e: if e.args[0] == 2003: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(sleep) else: raise else: print('Failed') return False
[docs]def _docker_run(conf): '''Run the mysql docker image Parameters ---------- client : :class:`docker.client.DockerClient` docker client conf : :class:`` configuration Returns ------- container : :class:`docker.models.containers.Container` started container ''' # create the docker client client = docker.from_env(version='auto') # set the environment variables conf_db = conf['database'] environment = dict(MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='test', MYSQL_DATABASE=conf_db['mysql_database'], MYSQL_USER=conf_db['mysql_user'], MYSQL_PASSWORD=conf_db['mysql_password']) # run the mysql docker image db_name = conf['docker_mysql']['container_name'] container ='mysql:latest', name=db_name, environment=environment, detach=True) container.reload() # update the status and attrs return container
[docs]def _docker_stop_rm(container_name, v=True): '''Stop and remove mysql docker the container. Parameters ---------- container_name : string name of the container to get v : bool, optional remove the volumes associated with the container Returns ------- container : :class:`docker.models.containers.Container` started container ''' container = get_container(container_name) container.stop() container.reload() print('The docker container {} status is:' ' {c.status}'.format(c=container)) container.remove(v=v) print('The docker container {} has been removed'.format(c=container))
[docs]def _print_container_info(container): '''Print information about the container Parameters ---------- container : :class:`docker.models.containers.Container` started container ''' print('The docker container {} status is:' ' {c.status}'.format(c=container)) if container.status == 'running': print('The mysql server can be accessed at' ' {}:{}.'.format(*container_ip_port(container))) else: print('(Re)start the container to have the IP and port')